Thursday, December 17, 2009
What I needed to say
I know we are only in the the 5th grade,
and I know that we really can't know love yet.
But I know you,
and I like what I know.
You made me laugh,
even if I was sad.
You made me feel happy
and protected always.
Even if I was wary the first time you came
up to me and said "pull my finger"
and I asked "why?"
You didn't say and just sat there waiting for me to go ahead
one finger tug later you didn't make a fart noise
or anything like.
You just made me laugh through my tears.
I knew from that moment on
that we could be the best of friends.
But things change as they often do.
1st grade, 2nd, 3rd and 4th
You were always my friend.
But when 5th grade came around you had to move.
And I never got to see your smiling face.
And so I wish I could have told you then
that I liked you
and to tell you now that I think of you often.
1. Is there anything wrong with the capitalization?
2. Do you think I "tell" and don't "show" and if I do what do you suggest to change it?
Monday, December 7, 2009
Love for You~
Is that all I am to thee?
Am I not the moon and the stars
that you hung from those monkey bars,
on a lonely winter's eve?
If thats all I am to eyes so blue
with that wonderful green hue.
I'll ask you how, and I'll ask you now
that you would be so cruel.
Then I'd ask you to smile, a wonderful smile
so I could add some spunk,
to this wonderfully broken heart.
Writing Poems
as lovely as a rose.
And have it heard by nearly every bird,
so sweet it is to hear.
Though by and by, I know not why
those words so hard to bear.
My love for you cannot be true,
for those words I'd learned to fear.
~Sam~ (a time my world changed school version)

What is pain?
Is it being with you and not seeing that you could leave,
Or is it knowing that we won’t be together forever
Like I had planned.
The talks we had
The tears I shed
How do they make you feel?
When you look over me and see
That I’m having a hard time without you.
There was no one else that I thought
That would love me as you did
Whenever I came home you were always the first to greet me.
So imagine my surprise and sorrow
When I come home and you aren’t there to greet me anymore
You have been with me since almost day one
You have always held a special place in my heart.
When you decided it was time to go
Did you think about the lives that would be changed forever?
For now whenever I think of you
My heart feels heavy and I’m always close to tears.
So now you know that I truly loved you
And now that I told you
I think its time to say,
I have to let you go…
1. What do you think about the message? Is it clear?
2. What do I need to work on?
Monday, November 30, 2009
What is pain?
Is it being with you and not seeing that you could leave,
Or is it knowing that we won’t be together forever
Like I had planned.
The talks we had
The tears I shed
How do they make you feel?
When you look over me and see
That I’m having a hard time without you.
There was no one else that I thought
That would love me as you did
Whenever I came home you were always the first to greet me.
So imagine my surprise and sorrow
When I come home and you aren’t there to greet me anymore
You have been with me since almost day one
You have always held a special place in my heart.
When you decided it was time to go
Did you think about the lives that would be changed forever?
For now whenever I think of you
My heart feels heavy and I’m always close to tears.
So now you know that I truly loved you
And now that I told you
I think its time to say,
(So I know that its not supposed to rhyme so I am changing the ending but I liked it this way and decided that I wanted to post it as is)
Monday, November 23, 2009
10 Minute Play: Toni's Party Traditions
[making morning mumbling sounds as she reached for her phone to shut off the alarm]
Hey guys, time to get up...
[CASSIE, ANNA, WINERY, CRYSTAL, KARI and RUBY all start to get up, some faster than others]
[stretches] What time is it? [sleepy]
[as the girls wake-up they notice that Toni hasn't gotten up yet]
[at the same time] WAKE UP!
[goes over to TONI and whines]
[angry grumbles and then burrows deeper into her blankets]
[looks at one another and smiles]
[smiles funny]
[grabs a bag of marshmallows and rips it open takes one out and throws it at TONI's form]
[everyone goes still, waiting for something to signal the start of the "fight"]
[slowly starts to sneak over to the spot she usally is in when this happens while grabbing a bag]
[gets hit on the butt with a marshmallow]
[starts laughing]
[laughs again and then gets hit by a marshmallow]
[WINERY, CRYSTAL and KARI move to the other side of the room so they can have more space to move]
[holds up her blanket just in time to deflect some marshmallows]
[throws one at CRYSTAL]
[looks down shirt, laughs]
There's one down my shirt!
[everyone laughs]
[throws one at ANNA]
[throws one at CASSIE]
[does a happy dance]
[looks at CASSIE]
[while CASSIE is saying 'kip']
[in a sing-song voice]
[in a sing-song voice]
[throws at CASSIE before KARI can respond]
[thinks for a minute]
[stomach rumbles]
[laughs and smiles]
1. What do you think about the people? If they need work what kind?
2. How is the flow of the story? Does it start too slow?