Monday, November 30, 2009



What is pain?

Is it being with you and not seeing that you could leave,

Or is it knowing that we won’t be together forever

Like I had planned.

The talks we had

The tears I shed

How do they make you feel?

When you look over me and see

That I’m having a hard time without you.

There was no one else that I thought

That would love me as you did

Whenever I came home you were always the first to greet me.

So imagine my surprise and sorrow

When I come home and you aren’t there to greet me anymore

You have been with me since almost day one

You have always held a special place in my heart.

When you decided it was time to go

Did you think about the lives that would be changed forever?

For now whenever I think of you

My heart feels heavy and I’m always close to tears.

So now you know that I truly loved you

And now that I told you

I think its time to say,


(So I know that its not supposed to rhyme so I am changing the ending but I liked it this way and decided that I wanted to post it as is)


  1. I don't really think that counts as rhyming. You should ask because I like it like this. Good job :)

  2. wow that was good i have nothing bad or constructive to say i love the question
