Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Doe

One day a girl was walking down the street. It was a dirt road, one that hadn't been walked on in a long while. There were trees lining the way with little bushes and clumps of grass trying to see the sun. She could hear the birds sing their songs of happiness to one another and every now and then she saw an animal that was curious of the girl in the road. They could tell that she was not from these parts. She had clothes made of the finest silk and her dress should have been in a museum. Although the fact that there was dirt on her face and hands meant nothing to the animals. For what did they know of humans thoughts of hygiene? On and on this girl walked. Day in and day out, never stopping to rest or to eat. It was like she had no thoughts about herself but only the ones for the road she was on. Barefoot she walked and eventually she made it to where she had wanted to go to. Although it must have looked different now. She noticed the grounds were unkempt and the graves all had moss over them. Horrified that her family's graves were being treated this way she hurried over to clear away what had defiled them. But while she was cleaning she noticed that there seemed to be more graves than she remembered. Thinking that someone had gotten married and had a large family that didn't make it she just continued to clean. Then it happened, she came to her parents graves. The girl couldn't believe that her parents were dead! She just saw them when she left the manor this morning to take her walk to their family's cemetery. Then she noticed the last grave she had yet to wipe off. With her whole body shaking she moved towards it and wiped it off. She couldn't believe it, that was her name! She stood transfixed staring at the place where someone had said her body lied. While she was looking at the graves a group of animals gathered at the edge of the cemetery to watch this strange girl that didn't belong. After a moment or two the girl turned around and saw the animals. Looking at one in particular she saw a little doe watching her. Normally she would just look and be amazed that any animal would watch her. But there was something different about this one, it had a little white mark around its right eye. She remembered that her father had a love of all of the creatures on this Earth and would never want to harm them if he could help it. Right as she thought that a memory decided to make itself known. She saw herself in a carriage with her mother and her father was driving. They were coming to visit their family members that didn't make it to the new year. A baby doe had waddled out onto the middle of the path and her father had swerved to miss it. A little doe with a white mark around its right eye! She remembered getting hit on the head and getting caught on something as everyone flew out of the carriage. After that she remembered waking up with a fierce need to get to the family cemetery. "Oh my word." she whispered to herself, "I'm...dead." Turning back to look at the other graves that she had cleaned she realized that she had worked her way through her family tree. She turned around to start to yell at the doe for killing her family but noticed that the doe had a little baby. That sight smashed her anger quicker than if God himself told her to control her anger. She smiled at the doe and her baby and said "I'm so sorry. Forgive me?" With that you could almost see the doe nod and smile at the girl. The girl smiled back and said "Thank you." With that she looked up to the sky and said "I'm coming." And all of the animals that gathered watched as this strange girl faded as she walked away.

So is there anything in this story that isn't clear? If so please tell me.
Anything that needs to be fixed?
once upon a time...
there was a duck
and it liked to waddle around like ducks tend to do.
And then one day it met a ninja who liked to be a ninja.
They and became very good friends.
And then one day the ninja died and the duck was sad, but then
the duck met the ninja's sister.
They became good friends and talked about her brother the
ninja and things that ducks like to talk about.
Then, years after the duck and sister died the descendants
of the two are still friends to this day.
And that is why ducks like ninjas.

The End.

short story for my friend lea. thought up in less than maybe 2 minutes

Winter's Lover

Everything around me is dead.

Nothing can live around me,
nothing but the cold.

The cold is my constant companion.
Cold and the loneliness that surrounds me like a good friend.

I long to be near you and soak in your warmth.
But alas, I know it shall never come.

People say that I bring a different kind of beauty to the world.
But all I can see is death, cold and loneliness.

There is no beauty to be had when you are not near.
And we cannot be near one another,
even if you wanted it too.

For you are Summer,
the one who created light and all that is wonderful in this world.

And I am Winter,
the one who creates night and the death of what you have created.

No my love it is not meant to be.
But, oh, how I long for your love anyway…


I'm wondering about your arms
Would they give me warmth?

I'm wondering about your lips
Would they tell me they love me?

I'm wondering your eyes
Would they look at me with love?

I'm wondering about you always
Would I wait forever for you?

But then I think of my lot in life
And then I wonder if I actually deserve you.

Be There

For those that can
and for those that will be...

I will be there.

For those that can't
and for those that couldn't...

I will be there.

For those in the kiddie pool
and for those in the deep end...

I will be there...

for you.

i might tweak this more later. tell me what you think

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Love for you~

One sky, one world, one destiny.
Is that all I am to thee?
Am I not the moon and the stars
that you hung from those monkey bars,
on a lonely winter's eve?
If thats all I am to eyes so blue
with that wonderful green hue.
I'll ask you how, and I'll ask you now
that you would be so cruel.
Then I'd ask you to smile, a wonderful smile
so I could add some spunk,
to this wonderfully broken heart.

Short Story!


There was always something strange about that house. The door was always open, but the windows were always closed. Not to mention the house was really old. The people that came in never came out. And the people that lived in that house in 1900, before it was cursed, (or so my mom tells me), ran out of that house screaming their heads off “AHHH! The ghost of my Uncle has come to haunt us!!!” everyone that witnessed it thought they were very strange after that. I mean, EVERYONE knew that, even I knew and I wasn’t even there. But anyway, my mom tells me that the legend of the house is the Uncle of the guy was the black sheep of his family; he thought he could do black magic. So one night his family members that lived with him, killed him. I’m thinking they did it like Julius Caesar because before he died he swore he would have his revenge. And then they buried him under the house…yes you heard me right I said under the house, gross right? My mom also says they stole from my Great Great Great Grandpa. After she said that she got this look in her eye and said “Do not go looking for whatever he stole young lady!” psh, I am SO going! He stole from us! So I waited, until the next day (I’m not a very patient person), to go down to this “haunted” house. But as I was picking my way up the walkway, I remembered, it was my birthday today. But I went in anyway, its not like anyone was at the house to celebrate anyways. Once I got up to the front door I noticed how old the house was. I mean, I knew it was old, I walk past it everyday on my way home from school. But I guess you have be closer to the house to the peeling paint the rotting wood that smelled like a wet dog and the rust on the door handle. I looked in the window next to the door and saw that the house looked pretty good for being so old. The wallpaper was peeling and the lights looked really dusty but the furniture was good because it had dust covers over it…wait why would a house that no one has lived in for years have furniture in it that needs dust covers? Now I have to go in. Creepy music started to play in my mind when I entered the house (I have to stop watching scary movies)…but wait…it’s not playing in my head its really playing somewhere! There could be more to this story than I had thought. I saw a dust cover on the floor and I crept over to it, and I was about to pick it up and it jumped up and shouted “BOO!” at me. I screamed and ran for the door like any sane person would do, only to find that it was locked, I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared before. By now I’m ridiculously scared, I slowly turn around hoping that the “ghost” was a figment of my very scared mind. But no, it was still there, I was about to start fighting, but I saw this flash of white and the sound of a sheet being waved, and then was my Uncle and family! They all shouted “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” at me. While the party was going on, I was trying to think of something that this house reminded me of. I went outside still thinking about the house and noticed something I didn’t see before. There on the side of the house there was a brick with a date on it. It read ‘1950’…oh yea…that was the year that we had that killer storm. A lot of houses blew away and they all had to be rebuilt. They put the bricks on the houses after that for record keeping. I did a report on storms last quarter that’s why I knew that piece of useless information…but then again its wasn’t really useless a few minutes ago now was it? After this I never believed any “legends” that anyone told me…especially around my birthday.

anything you didn't get?